Carbon Climate Certified supports the transformative Paradise Birmingham project, a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ regeneration of the city center, delivering sustainable offices, leisure spaces, and public areas, redefining Birmingham’s urban landscape by 2025.

Targeting: BREEAM 'Excellent'
Project Value: £500 million
Client: Argent
At Carbon Climate Certified, we are proud to play a role in the redevelopment of Birmingham’s city center through the Paradise Birmingham project. This £500m regeneration scheme, located on the former Paradise Circus site, is the city’s most central and ambitious transformation. Spanning offices, shops, leisure and cultural spaces, a hotel, and enhanced public areas, all buildings are designed to achieve BREEAM ‘Excellent’ certification, ensuring a benchmark of sustainability and efficiency.
The first phase includes demolishing the outdated Central Library, extensive highway works, and constructing two landmark office buildings—One Chamberlain Square by Eric Parry Architects and Two Chamberlain Square by Glenn Howells Architects. The project also integrates key public amenities, including open spaces and a new Midland Metro tram stop.
Expected to complete by 2025, Paradise Birmingham reflects our commitment to driving sustainability in urban regeneration, creating a vibrant, environmentally conscious hub for the city’s future.